Career Services
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Career Services

We understand that, as a student, you likely have career ambitions and have set various goals for yourself and we believe it is our job to help you reach them. The Graduate School of Business Career Services team equips our students with the tools and professional network to manage their personal career development and help them acquire their dream job offer.

We have established good working partnerships with top national and international employers in Astana and other regions to connect our MBA graduates with high-quality recruiters. Everything we do at the Graduate School of Business supports a key objective: to equip students with the necessary knowledge and tools to help them succeed in realizing their career goals upon completion of one of our degree programs.

Our Mission
Our mission is to educate, connect and advise our MBA students to help them reach their ultimate career goals by equipping them with necessary skills to land that perfect job after graduating from the program. We also strive to secure strong successful relationships with national and international companies in order to provide them with high caliber post graduates who will continue the legacy of the Graduate School of Business. We want to empower our students to take charge in managing their careers post-graduation.
Who we serve:
The Graduate School of Business Career Services provides comprehensive service to the graduates of the school as well as its alumni. We partner with Nazarbayev University Career and Advising Centre and colleagues across the university’s community to deliver services that meet the needs of our customers and key stakeholders.
The Graduate School of Business Career Services offers support in the areas of:
  • Individualized career exploration and counseling appointments with our career services department
  • Triannual Career Weeks that include:

✓ Group workshops and one-to-one assistance in developing CVs/resumes and cover letters

✓ Access to job and internship postings specifically for Graduate School of Business students

✓ Networking preparation workshops

✓ Mock interview sessions

✓ Entrance to exclusive on-campus recruiting events

✓ Career development activities

✓ Access to Graduate School of Business alumni

Contact us:

Zhanar Smailova
+7 (7172) 70 58 42
Career Week

NUGSB Career Services Center closely works with students and potential employers in finding the right match and fit for both of these stakeholders. Students participate in a series of career development events during their studies at GSB. These events are formed into Career Weeks and are held during the academic program:

I Career Week – November

II Career Week- March

III Career Week – September

To Employers

NUGSB offers on-campus recruiting opportunities to benefit both employers and students/alumni:

The NUGSB students CV book is available for your reference upon request.

Contact us at:

On-Campus Interviewing
Meet with students face to face! Select a day to interview, post jobs, and review collected resumes. Students will sign-up for an available interview slot and meet you personally.
Career Fairs

Build awareness of your company and your internship/job opportunities to current students as well as recent alumni

If you are ready to start recruiting our graduates please to participate in Career week this fall:

The I Career Career Week III

To expand the pool of talent to meet recruitment goals, employers can engage Career Services at NUGSB and access qualified MBS students nearing completion of their studies and our alumni.

Dedicated professionals at Career Services will assist you in offering connections to a variety of MBA students and alumni for entry-level and experienced positions through:

✓ Taking part in our tri-annual Career Weeks

✓ Posting internships and career positions in the Nazarbayev University Career Services portal

✓ Receiving CVs/resumes from qualified students/alumni in response to posted positions

✓ Accessing the MBA CV Book to review students nearing completion of the program

✓ Scheduling a recruiting visit to interview accomplished students/alumni on campus or having an option to interview at your company’s offices (Skype interviews are also available)

✓ Building your company visibility through information sessions with students, class presentations and participation in mock interviews and panel discussions

Join the list of satisfied employers who have already worked with us to source qualified graduates through the utilization of NUGSB’s Career Services. Please contact NUGSB’s Career Services Senior Manager to indicate the activities in which you are interested and check out our campus facilities for your use. A Career Services team member will follow up with you after receiving your request.

We look forward to exploring how we may assist you in meeting your hiring needs for the future.