Instructions for sending a donation using a QR code for Kaspi Bank cardholders
1) Scan the QR Code in Kaspi application
2) Fill in the fields
a) Факультет: Graduate School of Business
b) Курс: Graduate or just sponsor
c) ФИО: Enter your Last Name, First Name and Patronymic
d) ИИН: enter your IIN
e) Комментарий: Sponsorship for GSB from (your last name)
f) Назначение платежа: Select “За спонсорские взносы”
g) Сумма: Enter amount
3) Click "Далее" and "Оплатить"
Sponsorship to the NU GSB can also be provided through the Social Development Fund (SDF), a non-profit organization created to support social initiatives of the Nazarbayev University community
Here are the bank details for directing contributions:
Corporate Fund "Social Development Fund"
BIN (Business Identification Number) 120140016261
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) KZ39998BTB0000487876
Jysan Bank
BIC (Bank Identifier Code) TSESKZKA
Kbe (Kazakhstan Business Identification Number) 18 (8 in Halyk Bank)
PPC (payment purpose codes) (КНП) 119 "Other gratuitous money transfers", «Прочие безвозмездные переводы денег»
There are several ways to contribute:
1) Using the Jusan app - for students and employees with a salary project in Jusan, it's free; for others, there is a commission of 0.02%, with a minimum of 200 tenge and a maximum of 2,000 tenge.
2) Using the Halyk Bank app for transfers to an account - a commission of 200 tenge.
3) For other banks – fees depend on their policies.
4) If you visit a Jusan bank branch – no commission.
In the payment purpose, it is necessary to specify that it is for supporting NU GSB or a specific purpose.